Vocaloid ia outfits
Vocaloid ia outfits

Prima: But Tonio and I don't have a real nation revealed, do we, my love?

vocaloid ia outfits

and possibly a country that is supposedly between Basque and Portuguese. Oliver & LEON: Yeah~! *both jump to give a hi-5 and LEON chuckles* SONiKA: There's also Great Britain which is also known as the United Kingdom. (all other Chinese Vocaloids agreeing at once) Tianyi: You can add China which is my very own. (all other American Vocaloids agreeing to each other) (all other Japanese Vocaloids cheering/agreeing excitedly with some doing traditional dances using their items) Let's start with my country Japan because most Vocaloids are Japanese as a nation. Today's topic is all about classifications, so the first subject is nations of the world.

vocaloid ia outfits

Miku: Well, that's all the Vocaloids gathered in one group.

Vocaloid ia outfits