Family feud set 2014
Family feud set 2014

family feud set 2014

Interested in more games to play with the whole family? Check out our minute to win it games, farm games, musical games, and more! Here’s everything you need to put together your own version of “Family Feud.” (Wild suit not included.) That doesn’t mean we can’t have a blast just pretending, though… especially in the name of family entertainment.

family feud set 2014

Let’s face it: None of us will ever be Steve Harvey. Luckily you can bring that same amusing and comical energy to your own home. Between the outlandish answers, naughty categories, and miscommunication, the show is an absolute riot. If you’ve ever watched family feud, you’ll see just how hilarious Steve can be. Whether your survey questions are centered around your actual family or based on actual surveys, you’re still guaranteed to have a ton of fun. Even more fun, though, is playing your own version of the game together. Who doesn’t? Settling down together on the couch and zoning out for some laughs is an amazingly relaxing way to unwind with the fam. You probably enjoy watching “Family Feud” with your kids.

Family feud set 2014